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Tuesday, February 4, 2014

World Cancer Day

So today is World Cancer Day.

Cancer day for me started back in November of 2003. I was sitting home alone the first time that I found out I had cancer. I had a biopsy several days before, but cancer never entered my mind because I would never get cancer. It wasn’t a possibility...right? I hung up the phone and cried. Cancer is a scary word. It is always attached with surgery, chemotherapy, stages and death. Death. I was only in my early 30s. , mom of 2 and after researching thyroid cancer on the internet, I was petrified until my surgeon talked me out of darkness.

 When I found out about having breast cancer for the first time, my husband and I sat side by side in a small waiting area. November...again... four years later. Once again, it didn’t sink in and I sat dumb-founded, thinking this could not be happening. Not again. We had 4 children now and I had to watch them grow up, make mistakes, fulfill their dreams, spoil our grandchildren, travel with my husband, grow old with my husband. This was not happening...not this time. Once again, my surgeon, the same surgeon for my thyroid cancer, set me straight. I left her office crying. Crying for my life that would forever be changed. Crying for my children that I was afraid that I wouldn’t see grow up. Crying for the life that I wanted to live out with my husband. Crying because of fear.

The third time I found out I had cancer I was sitting on my bed July, 5 years later. I looked at myself in the mirror as I heard the words, frowning, confused at what I just heard. Then I looked at my husband who had just walked past. I repeated the word that I just heard...”Cancer? Are you telling me that I have cancer again?” My husband stopped and came to sit down beside me. I was still confused. Come on! Seriously?? Who has cancer 3 times? 3 different types? Not me. It’s not supposed to happen to me. It’s not supposed to happen to anyone. Where is the cure? Where is the wonder drug?  

So today is World Cancer Day.

I wasn’t sure what I would do today or how I would try to get the word out there. I write posts all the time about cancer. I support everyone that I meet that is facing this challenge. I try to remind people about making appointments and doing self-exams. Early detection is important. Knowing your body is important. Yeah, I’ve said all of that before.

So how will I “celebrate it?” I will continue to focus on standing up to cancer. I will continue to focus on living a full fun life with my children and my husband. I will go to every test and every scan. These tests are continuous reminders that I live each day with cancer, but they are also a big step in the war against this horrible disease. With each test, new information is learned that could possibly prevent my children or any other child of having to face cancer. With each test, a doctor somewhere is closer to making a new discovery that can help cure someone else, take the pain away from someone else, stop the side effects from someone else.

So today is World Cancer Day...and I am STANDING UP TO CANCER one day at a time, one battle at a time.