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Monday, March 3, 2014

Triple Negative Breast Cancer Awareness Day

Today is Triple Negative Breast Cancer Awareness Day.

Not a reason to celebrate, but a reason to bring awareness, to shout and demand for a cure against cancer.

When I was diagnosed with breast cancer, I never knew that there were different types. I thought breast cancer, was just breast cancer. I walked in confident, knowing that there were wonder drugs, chemotherapy treatments, and a long line of women before me that were doing just fine. I would be just fine.

When I was told that I had TNBC, I was ignorant to what that meant.
My oncologist and surgeon gave me a quick, hard lesson.
There is no cure. There is no wonder drug. There is no standard treatment.
It was...”We’ll try this and pray it works. There is not much information on this type of breast cancer.” Matter of fact, at that moment, my wedding anniversary, they were holding the first symposium specifically for TNBC.
I left there with a feeling of hope because I figured that if they were doing this type of research then they must be close to a cure or were about to announce one.

Oh how naive I was. Not only were they nowhere near a cure; there wasn’t any treatment or drug. They still aren’t, there still isn’t. In fact, every half hour, a woman is diagnosed with TNBC. 

I am almost 7 years out from treatment. As I was driving to the store this morning, I thought about what this day is for me.
I wiped tears from my eyes as I thought about my latest problem that my sisters would like me to have checked out soon. I thought about my sisters that just passed.
Then I thought about my family and the things that I have yet to accomplish.

I am not cancer.
I am a mom of 4 beautiful children that bring so much joy to my life, that I am amazed of what they constantly teach me.
I am wife to a man that has supported me through each diagnosis, each challenge, each happy moment, each victory.
I am a daughter to the most supportive parents a person can ask for. Whether holding my hand and standing beside me or lifting me up to help me continue on, they have been there.
 I am a sister to two big brothers that make me laugh and help me forget all of the sadness.
I am a friend and sister to all of the people that are in my life, touched my life, enjoyed my life through all of the ups and downs we shared.
I am Angie...A warrior. 


  1. I understand. It is always something. I just had another MRI and they did not see anything. grrrrrrrr I saw a new Dr. today and basically they are saying that I have severe nerve damage from the Divinci robotic surgery I had 1 year ago. They are supposed to be better and way LESS invasive. Wrong !!! After researching it there are over 1500 open cases in the Us, mostly women suing because of nerve damage. I saw the surgeon about a month ago and begged for help. Without even examining me he said QUOTE. " You are so distraught about using your uterus that you are transferring your pain from that and creating the pain in your abdomen and maybe you should talk to a shrink." Really ?? I was floored. Even when you think OK this is done, cancer is gone, there is still stuff. So frustrating. Nothing can compare to what you have been through though. Hang in there and keep up the fight. Those babies need you and you need them. Your Pink sister, Kimberley. :)

    1. WOW!! I cannot believe the doctor said that!! My mouth just dropped open, but I can't believe it! We have all been through battles. We've lost a lot, fought hard and continue the fight today. I hope you find answers and get help about your pain. Every time they come out with something new that's supposed to be better, I always wait for the boom to come down. Ugh!!

  2. I cannot spell, I meant Loosing my uterus, the Dr. said I was still upset about loosing my uterus.
