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Sunday, April 13, 2014

Spring Break

This spring break I was reminded that my parents are not immortal and regardless of the amount of work that I need to do on my thesis, time needs to be taken with them, laughing, loving, talking, enjoying and just listening.

I was reminded that it’s not the upbringing that you had that makes you who you are, it’s the strength that does lie in you, just waiting to be used.

I was reminded that words from the unlikeliest of places are sometimes the reminder needed to pick up, dust off and get myself back together.

I was reminded that regardless of what I’m going through someone else has a harder time and needs to feel loved, helped up, held onto, and redirected.

I was reminded to step outside and take in the beauty that nature is creating all around me, with color, with new life, with playing children, with walks on the beach.

I was reminded that I am loved, I need love, and I give love and that sometimes it doesn’t take the pain away, but it does make it less lonely.

I had big plans this spring break to get my thesis done, work on another project, and get ahead on my lesson plans. Instead, I watched a friend suffer a tremendous loss and tried to offer comfort, understand it, and deal with my own fears when he passed away.

 I took time out for my son’s soccer game today (great win!!) and enjoyed the weather and time with family and friends. Came home and painted toe nails with my little Munchkin, and now I’m sitting with my feet kicked up watching a movie with my husband.

Things don’t always go as planned, I’m nowhere near complete with any of my work, but it will get done. Late nights, long weekends, it will get done, it will get done. Just not right this second. 

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